How Good Will A Website Be For My Business?
...and is it really worth the expense? [Re-edit 7-15-2017] In today's world, where most people turn to their iPhones, iPads, laptops and desktops to seek out information, a website becomes a key component in any business plan. The days of phone books are...
Tips For Developing A Hard-Working Website
Last month Teri LeVine from MC2 Marketing Consultants and I presented at the Annual Morgan Horse Association Conference held in Portland, Oregon. Our topic was Websites and Marketing; The Fallacy of "Just Build It And They Will Come". We each focused on...
Domain Name Scams
Don't be a victim of Internet Fraud! Many people or businesses who have a website that has been set up by their web developer are unfamiliar with the terms of their domain name(s) or hosting account. Because of this, they can fall victim to domain name or...
Using Word Press as your CMS website
Easy...all I have to do is install WordPress and I have a site...right? WordPress out of the box is set up as a blogging platform. In order to make WordPress behave like a regular website with a static home page, other static pages and perhaps...
A Good Site vs A Great Site
What makes a site great versus just "good"? This, of course, can be very subjective as there are many different definitions of what "looks good". Sometimes websites are judged either good, great or poor entirely on how they look. But, a website is more...
Brochure or CMS Website?
What IS the difference between a Brochure site and a Content Management site? In fact, what the heck is a content management site? In a nutshell, a content management site or CMS for short, lets the site owner log into a back end...